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Denkerklause Philosophisches und Nachdenkliches

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Alt 11.07.2009, 11:50   #11
Registriert seit: 07.02.2009
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 2.213

Hallo Riffraff,

ich freue mich immer sehr über Deine Kommentare!
Schau mal, ich habe mir die Mühe gemacht, ein paar Wiederholungen zu markieren: bei "night" stimmts schon mal nicht, bei "day" auch nicht und so gehts weiter!

Mir gefällt sehr, dass sich die Verse reimen. Das zeigt, dass eine Sestine ausbaufähig ist. So gefällt sie mir auch, da spielt die Länge keine Rolle mehr.

Du hast ein wunderbares Beispiel ausgewählt, ich danke Dir herzlich dafür! Hier wirkt auch das Thema keineswegs breit gequetscht, sie ist einfach nur schön!

A. Swinburne

I saw my soul at rest upon a day
As a bird sleeping in the nest of night,
Among soft leaves that give the starlight way
To touch its` wings but not its` eyes with light;
So that I knew as one in visions may,
And knew not as men waking, of delight.

This was the measure of my souls delight;
It had no power of joy to fly by day,
Nor part of the large lordship of the light;
But in a secret moon-beholden way
Had all its will and dreams of pleasant night
And all the love and live that sleepers may.

But such life`s triumph as men waking may
It might not have to feed ist faint delight
Between the stars by night and sun by day
Shut up with green leaves and a little light;
Because its way was as a lost star`s way,
A world`s not wholly known of day or night

All loves and dreams and sounds and gleams of night
Made it all music that such minstrels may,
And all they had they gave it of delight;
But in the full face of the fire of day
What place shall be for any starry light
What part of heaven in all the wide sun`s way?

Yet the soul woke not, sleeping by the way
Watched as a nursling of the large-eyed night,
And sought no strength nor knowledge of the day,
nor closer touch conclusive of delight
nor mightier joy nor truer than dreamers may,
nor more of song than they, nor more of light.

For who sleeps once and sees the secret light
whereby sleep shows the soul a fairer way
between the rise and rest of day and night,
shall care no more to fare as all men may;
But be his place of pain or of delight
there shall he dwell, beholding night as day

Song have thy day and take thy fill of light
before the night be fallen across thy way;
sing while he may, man hath no long delight.

Ich schicke Dir viele liebe Wochenendgrüße,

Geändert von Medusa (11.07.2009 um 11:52 Uhr)
Medusa ist offline  


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