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Fremdsprachen und Mundarten Wer andere Sprachen und Dialekte beherrscht

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Alt 27.03.2009, 11:27   #1
Beiträge: n/a

Doctor Cheng Man Ching's Two Hats Cure

Once the Doctor Cheng Man Ching
said: "Forget just anything
which the western doctors told
how to fight a lousy cold.

Just sit down beside your bed,
on the bed-post place your hat,
drink some Scotch, that’s my advice,
til your hat appears there twice.

In the morn sir, stand assured,
you'll be well and truly cured.
If the cold beats the advice,
just repeat this treatment thrice!"*

*last verse improved by Sneaky

Geändert von Seeräuber-Jenny (27.03.2009 um 15:37 Uhr)
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